Creativity in Europe
Music copyright’s overall value in 2022 was almost €40 billion, with digital growing 33.5% year on year to 2022
Professional football in Spain generates more than 194,000 jobs, €8.39 billion in taxes and accounts for 1.44% of the Spanish GDP
Close to 14 million book titles from European publishers were available for readers across Europe in 2022, more than 3 million of which in ebook or audio format
Europe is the largest market outside of North America, worth €1.5 billion to the European economy and growing at 6.62% CAGR
over 8,000 works are broadcast by EU TV Channels every year
The biggest driver of growth is down to direct licensing between rightsholders and music users – amounting to almost €4 billion in 2022
Each European country (EU27+UK) enjoys an average of 10 on-demand sports services and 22 sports channels
The Premier League supports 90,000 jobs in the UK
Commercial TV & VOD invest around 49 billion a year in content in Europe
Book sales in European bookshops remain stable despite the impact of inflation and cost-ofliving crisis, exceeding pre-pandemic sales
Over 1,000 European films are produced every year
European cinemas achieved 25% growth between 2022 and 2023
70% of European films are partly financed by film distributors through presales
The average age of a video game player in Europe is 32 years old
The overall revenue of the video games sector in Europe was €24.5 billion in 2022
The French Football League (LFP) contributes €40 million per season to local sports associations and €55 million per year per club to local economies
Physical brick-andmortar bookshops remain the preferred book sales channel for consumers across Europe
Europeans watch TV for 3h40 minutes per day on average
Europe’s share of the global recorded music market was 27.7% in 2022, with a total of €6.7 billion revenues – a growth of 7.54% year on year
European audiences flocked to the cinema in 2023 – 181 million admissions in France, 32 million in the Netherlands, 75 million in Spain, 87 million in Germany, 71 million in Italy, 50 million in Poland and 3 million in Lithuania
Streaming revenue in Europe grew by 11.9% in 2022 to €4.2 billion, representing 62.9% of the total European recorded music market
Global visual licensing market valued at €4.7 billion in 2022 and post-AI forecasts predict growth to €6.9 billion in 2028
The Video Games industry represents 110,000 jobs throughout Europe
European publishers published about 575,000 new books in 2022
La Liga, the French Professional Football League and the Premier League create a combined annual economic impact of almost €30 billion in their respective countries
CEPIC – The Coordination of European Picture Agencies Stock, Press and Heritage – represents an estimated 40% of the global market including the two major players – Getty and Shutterstock
On average, Europeans have 1,300 European films and TV seasons on TV and 8,528 on VOD (6,958 of which from other European countries)